2010, whata year!

Clearly this was the year that I ignored the blog,  ravelry and flickr.  I knit, probably not as much as I have in previous years. This year I definitely  slacked off on taking pictures of finished objects, there is at least 1 sweater, a shawl and a hat that I didn’t bother photographing that I can remember. I’m sure they are more if I look through my yarn stash and remember what I used a certain yarn for. I look at my flickr set for 2010 and its sad, really really sad. This year my biggest goal is not only to share what I’ve been knitting but to blog about it. I miss my blog, I miss hearing your comments and getting inspired by what all you’ve made.
I can honestly say that knitting has taken a back seat the past few weeks. The day after Christmas Mike and I where making breakfast, he was making french toast (the kids favorite) and I was attempting to open a jar of my homemade applesauce while coaxing Kailey down the back steps. Someone didn’t want to come down to eat, someone wanted to go back upstairs to play even though everyone else was down stairs. I was using the “turn jar upside down and bag” technique while talking to Kailey and not paying attention to what I was doing. The middle of the (brand new just bought this summer and never used before) jar shattered as I banged it the second time and I cut my right pointer finger, below the top knuckle on the underside. After 10 minutes it was still bleeding and we went to the ER. Yeah, can I return the “present” of 4 stitches and a tetanus shot? It’s not really what I asked for… Fast forward 2 weeks, the stitches are out and crap the finger still f***ing hurts like a mo-fo and I can’t bend it down the whole way, awesome. Just awesome. So knitting? Not so much. But eventually yes, I do have quite a bit of yarn I would like to turn into finished objects.
I can say pretty confidently that I will be taking more pictures this year, lots and lots of pictures. You see, a week after Christmas Mike gave me a new baby
Helloooo lovely

sorry, just had to totally freak out my mom.   I’m in such love with this camera, I have been telling Mike how awesome dSLR’s are and how they take amazing pictures and how badly I wanted on, I used to take a billion pictures with my Dad’s Nikon SLR when I was in high school and had a few pictures in shows.  My point and shoot camera never seemed to give me the pictures that I wanted that I new I could get. Well could get with a better camera…  We where in State College PA on Monday since we had to drop my phone off to be fixed and Mike surprised me with this camera.  I honestly need more time in my days to learn how to use all its features and maybe I really should leave Mike in Best Buy more often….

new camera <3
1. sisters, 2. homemade breakfast, 3. K’s self portrait, 4. chocolate chip banana mini’s

A few pictures from the new camera.

2010 was the year I really learned how to cook for my family. After finding the Year of Slowcooking blog and trying out those recipes. And with much thanks to my friend Bev who asked me about freezer cooking we’ve been eating better. Freezer cooking is something I kinda knew about but suddenly when I learned how incredibly awesome it is have been hooked. I never thought that I would like meal planning. I used to be so against it thinking that I was locked into having what was planned for the day. Which isn’t true, if you don’t want what it on the menu for today but like what’s for dinner on Thursday, make what’s for Thursdays dinner. Last week or so I found this video class Fresh from the Freezer while blog surfing and highly recommend it, best of all its free and full of great information.
The new year is always full of resolutions, this year what I want to try to (among photographing my finished knits and blogging about them) save as much money as I can while shopping by meal planning buying whats on sale and using coupons. I’ll hopefully share this during the last week of each month. (So far I’ve saved $126, not including the stuff that I bought yesterday…)
Well, my finger’s killing me from all this typing and I probably should go work on one of the two baby blankets (ok ones a quilt) that I need to finish… and my bil is on his way over to borrow the plow and I need to find the keys to the truck.

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