
… was my Birthday! And a fantastic one at that. I decided to stay up here with the ‘rents for a few extra days so we could all celebrate together. Mom and the kids baked cupcakes

mmmm cupcakes

and I made the most ridiculous face blowing them out

blowin out the candles

and I just realized, I forgot to make a wish!! But that’s ok, because I have everything I have ever asked for. My kids, my parents, my Mike, and lots and lots of yarn

Birthday yarn

its a good thing I left my knitpicks options at home! My sis gave me the yarn on the left, Mom and Dad gave me the mini maiden in Capri and the sea silk in straw. Mom took Corra shopping and Corra picked out the dream in color smooshy in visual purple and the saki by prism yarns in carnation. Kid’s got good taste!

Speaking of home, the kids and I are going to be heading there tomorrow. When I left we where having internet issues (the router was being a poop). Mike will be home on Friday, and then we will be coming back up to my parents house Labor day weekend for our family reunion/birthday party. Its going to be a loooong week with no internet!

Still here!

wow. Its been busy here and I haven’t posted in almost 2 weeks! I’ve been buried under a few things, but luckily I’ve made my way out.  I had my niece for a few days last week, which I enjoyed. It was nice having a chauffeur!
My chauffeur..

We brought her back home last Thursday, just in time for lobster that her Mom brought home. mmmmm.. it was good. I’m a horrible blogger because in my haste to get a warm lobster (er two *very* yummy lobsters) the camera stayed in the bag. The kids and I have been staying with my parents visiting, we completed their school shopping

School shoping

Got clothes and shoes for 3 kids, and a few cute little outfits for Kailey. (I couldn’t resist!) All for around $500. I love me a good sale 🙂  We also took the kids to build a bear, and later we enjoyed lunch at Friendly’s


I finished my Johnny come lately socks, which I can’t remember if I even blogged about them
Johnny-come-lately socks

(more pictures here)

Pattern: jaywalkers by Grumperinia Published in Magknits

Yarn: Fishy wishy in a dishy by See Jayne knits superwash merino

Needles: US 1 (2.75mm) dpns

Notes: I’m in love with this yarn! I love the bright contrasting colors and I’m hoping that they don’t fade. The fabric is wonderful. And I love how the yarn striped.

I started my Dad’s Birthday socks, and I was a good girl and swatched for the socks.


I’m using the smooshy sock yarn I bought a few weeks ago and size 3.00mm. I’ve finished one sock and am on the heel of the second one. We’re going home to Pennsylvania on Sunday. And the kids start school on Tuesday the 28th.  Busy, busy, busy! Must be off. There’s cake to eat, today’s my Bday!

West Virginia wild & wonderful part 2

Here we go with part 2, this trip I had the opportunity to knit. I finished my toe up interlacement socks on the 5th of August.

toe up tiny toes

many thanks to tempe who sent me some leftover interlacement tiny toes. If it wasn’t for her these socks would have been a bust! Here are the stats:

Pattern: I increased to 64 sts, short row heel, knit 13 rows K2, P2 cast of Option 2
Yarn: Interlacements Tiny Toes color 216, and a little bit of tapestry from Tempe.

Needles: US 1.5 (2.50mm) dpns.

Notes: The socks are a bit loose, I probably should have increased to 60 or 62.  I’m loven the wild colors and stipes. They aren’t my faves, but they are growing on me.
toe up tiny toes

the heels are just too cool on these socks! Tuesday I took the kids to Discovery Station and Hagerstown Aviation Museum. The kids enjoyed themselves especially the airplane
Discovery Station and Hagerstown Aviation Museum

The airplane had the same smell that my Dad’s plane had when I was a kid! Must have been those airplane plastic seats. Bought back some wonderful memories of family trips.

Discovery Station and Hagerstown Aviation Museum

I could have left the kids there to play with the airplane all day, they loved pretending to fly! We went to the Martinsburgh West Virginia City pool Wednesday. (Sorry no photo’s, I forgot all about the camera again.) It was a very hot day, and the pool was a wonderful way to cool off! Thursday we drove home and luckily we missed the storm .  Allysa’s health registration  was at 1:30 and we where just a little bit late. Saterday we had a family picnic, and Corra had her BFF’s birthday sleepover.  Today I met my parents in Wilks-berre to pick up Heather who will be with me for a couple of days, yay! I can’t tell ya’ll how happy I am to be out of the damed car.  I’m all caught up and if you followed me though all that babble you should get a gold star. Night ya’ll!

West Virginia, wild & wonderful* Part 1

Holy crappers what a week! I don’t even know where to begin, so much happened. How about the beginning, yeah, that sounds good. We arrived late on Thursday night at the Williamsport Maryland KOA. To make a long story short they screwed up the reservations and since we where the last person to make the reservation we had to leave. We quickly packed up and headed towards the campsite that Mike originally wanted to stay at since it was closer to his site. Mike was driving his truck towing the trailer and I’m driving behind him in the van with the kids. So we where driving down the road, we go through this intersection right by the Bryon Memorial park and it looks like the trailer went over a bump, I go through the intersection and there was no bump. Mike stops. I’m thinking. Oh, snap. This isn’t good.

Oh, snap picture 1

(clicky on all pictures in this post to embiggen them)

I stop behind the trailer and put on my hazard lights, go up to Mike to see what’s wrong. The trailer is sitting on the bed of the truck. Shit. Shit. Shit. The hydraulic lift is taking forever and a day to lift the trailer up so we can see what happened. A few people wonder up from park to see what was going on, the locking clip that is supposed to hold the trailers pin in the hitch malfunctioned and ripped right out of the hitch.

oh, snap picture 5

frick, frickity frick frick. When the locking clip ripped out, the pin fell into the rails of the hitch. Thank God it fell there, because it could have ripped right through the tailgate of the truck and sailed right to the ground or worse.

oh, snap picture 4

From what Mike told me this hitch can pull up to 24,000 pounds and the trailer weighs 18,500 pounds. If the trailer’s pin didn’t go in the right way it would have fallen right out at the campsite, not 5 miles down the road. First I thought that the camper wasn’t put in right, but the more I thought about it the less that made sense. Mike has a commercial drivers liscense, he drove for TMC a few years ago before he got his old job back at Verizon, so he knows quite a bit about the hitch and how to drive the truck while towing the trailer. (He knows a hell of a lot more about it than I do, and thats OK with me!) The company that makes the hitch has shipped out a new hitch for Mike at no cost. He can’t move the trailer with out it. The company wants the broken hitch back, while makes me a little weary.
oh, snap picture 7

There are more pictures of this Wild part of our vacation in this flickr photo set. Many thanks to our Guardian Angel who was working overtime that day! Saturday we ran our errands, this is my second stay in the trailer with the kids. So I found some more things that would come in handy, needed some groceries and had to make a stop at the West Virginia welcome center to find some things to do since we didn’t have any internet access at this campsite (poo!)
Loopy on his way to the WV welcome center

Sunday I took the kids down to Harpers Ferry what a neat little town! We explored it a bit, than drove up to the Toy Train Museum and Joy Line Miniature Railroad. I thought Bryce would enjoy this,

Toy Train Museum Harpers Ferry WV Joy Line miniature railroad

he loved watching the toy train go around the track, looking at all the old trains. I do wish they had signs up explaining what the different older models where because I was stumped. No idea what was what, and a sign saying “please don’t touch” woulda been nice too. just sayin’.

Toy Train Museum Harpers Ferry WV Joy Line miniature railroad

Luckily the rain held off long enough for the kids and I to take a ride around the track on the Joy Line miniature railroad. On the last loop around I remembered I had the camera and took a video.

The kids loved the handcars too. You would have thought that it would have worn them out moving themselves around that big track 3 times. But no, it wound them right up!

Toy Train Museum Harpers Ferry WV Joy Line miniature railroad

We finished off this day by meeting Mike at Cracker Barrel and enjoying a yummy dinner. Look for Part 2 of our trip tomorrow since this post has gotten pretty long! This is going to be one busy, busy weekend. Tomorrow we have a family picnic and Corra BFF has a Birthday party sleep over. Sunday I meet my parents in Wilkes Barre and my niece Heather will be visiting for a few days next week.

*one of West Virginia state slogans.

Blog neglect

So there has been a bit of blog neglect around here lately… I’ve been a bit busy. The kids and I went up to my parents for a few days.

My niece Heather joined the kids and I on a trip to Umpachene water falls in Mill River Massachusetts. We brought a picnic lunch, and enjoyed an afternoon there.

Umpachene water falls

The water was freaking freezing! But once you go in and get back out, sun a little bit on the rocks the water feels just right!
Bryce and Allysa at the falls Continue reading