A colorful hat for baby, an un-pattern

Just like almost everyone else in blog-land (hell-o fellow lemmings) I have knit the tulip sweater for my daughter Kailey. How could I say no to the adorable stripes, the dream in color yarn, the sweetness of a baby sweater. When I finished I was amazed by how much was left over, I probably could have knit the 12 month size! ( I think this might have been because of my gauge. I also choose not to use the blue lagoon for the neck i-cord.) I was inspired to use up every last scrap of this luscious yarn so it would not go to waste. I decided to knit a hat. So here is my un-pattern for a colorful hat for baby to fit a 6-9 month old child, (17.5″ head circumference)

A PDF file is now available for this un-pattern. Click here to start downloading the PDF file, (it will start downloading automatically).

**** VERY IMPORTANT!**** Check your gauge! Gauge for the hat is 5.5 sts/inch, Gauge for the sweater is 4.5b sts/inch. That 1 stitch difference will make your hat TOO big for a 6-9month old baby! Attention to detail will result in a glamorous project. Check your bloody gauge!!

top of colorful hat for baby
Material’s needed:

-leftover Dream in color Classy in colors and amounts listed below (please note that I used the its a yard from the tip of my nose to the tip of my middle finger method of measuring.)

Tulip sweater remains

30 yards cool fire
22 yards giant peach
19 yards strange harvest
14 yards spring tickle
14 yards happy forest
12 yards blue lagoon
13 yards summer sky
8 yards visual purple

Tulip, a colorful cardigan for baby pattern

– US size 7 (4.50mm) double pointed needles

– stitch marker

-row counter

gauge: 5.5sts/inch

notes: stripe pattern follows the same as in the pattern. If you knit the sweater and used the blue lagoon to knit the applied i-cord around the neck, you might not have enough blue lagoon to use in this hat. If that is the case, knit 1 extra row of strange harvest and 2 extra rows of the spring tickle.
Using cool fire CO 82 sts (21,20,21,20) knit 9 rows.
Work color change row as written in tulip sweater pattern with giant peach, knit 5 rows. Repeat with strange harvest, spring tickle, and happy forest.
Work color change row with blue lagoon and knit 3 rows, than work decreasing as follows:
K1, K2TOG knit to last 3 sts before end SSK, K1 (80 sts remain)
Work color change row with summer sky than work decrease round
*K2, K2TOG; rep from* there will remain 60sts.
Knit 1 round.
Repeat these last 2 rounds once more.
Work decrease round (6 rows have been worked with summer sky) than work color change row with visual purple.
Work decrease round and knit 1 round. Repeat until 16 sts remain.
Knit 1 round, cut yarn pull yarn tail through sts. If you have 1 yard remaining you may choose to make a bobble for the top of the hat.
To make bobble
CO 1 sts, increase to 5 sts by knitting into the front and the back of the 1st stitch.
purl 1 row
knit 1 row
repeat the last 2 rows. K5tog (1sts) cut yarn, using the tails attach to hat.
Kailey in a colorful hat for baby

Weave in all ends, Enjoy!

If you find any typo’s, have any questions, or knit one of these hats drop me a line mistress_stash_enhancer (at) yahoo (dot) com

9 responses

  1. Pingback: While waiting for the zipper…. « Mistress Stash Enhancer

  2. Pingback: Colorful sweater for baby « Mistress Stash Enhancer

  3. Pingback: Just a beautiful day! « The Local Needle

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