A lovely day at the Pumpkin Farm

Allysa’s pre-school had a field trip today to our local pumpkin farm, we couldn’t have asked for a nicer day.
Autumn Sky

The kids had fun playing different pumpkin themed games, talking about the different leaves, eating apples. They’re favorite had to be running like mad though the hay maze,
Allysa in the hay maze

(I seriously need to build one of these in my back yard.) I loved the look on the kids faces once they figured out the maze, Allysa would say “YES! I figured it out!” After she would find her way out, even if it was her 20thousandith time through, she would still say it!

Socks in the wild

I finished my first maple sugar swirl sock! The second sock saw a little bit of action at the pumpkin patch, ok. I knit 16 sts. 1/4 of a row while I was there… anywho,
whatcha get?

A few things followed us home, I had to get some gourds and Allysa helped me pick out some neat ones! We also bought some golden delicious apples (mmm, delicious!) elderberry jelly, and a wee little pumpkin. (and now I see that window reeeally needs a good scrubbing. Ew!) It was a wonderful day, and the drive back home was lovely

Have to run, Corra wants to be a cat for Halloween and I have to finish cutting out the lining to her costume. 3 days, 56 minutes to Rhinbeck. I can’t wait!

Plans, I like to have plans.

Socktober is here! (I know, I’m like 2 weeks late to this party. Better late than never right?) At the end of last Socktober I ordered this yarn from Simply Socks Yarn Co. this lovely hank of Fleece Artist basic merino sock in the Autumn colorway. Its been sitting in my stash waiting.

Fleece artist merino Autumn

I wanted planning to knit a pair of lacy leaf socks. Well… I tried lacy leaf socks, it didn’t work. See
for posterity

I frogged that baby and started this
Ironwood socks

based off of Craftoholics Mata Hari socks. Because I’m smart as a whip these days, my eyelets swirl backwards instead of forwards. (like that made any sense!) The heel cup on this sock makes me very happy
Happy Heel cup

Its so perdy! I love happy heel cups. The heel cups on my Rainbow socks make me very happy too.
Rainbow socks heel cup

This socktober I also want to knit a pair of Christmas socks with this yarn. I’m thinking the Undulating rib socks from Favorite socks. I love to have socks to wear for different Holidays, I’m nerdy like that! Maybe start Dad’s Christmas socks too. I can’t remember is Socktober 2 months or one?

Rhinebeck’s in one week 6 days, Mom and I will be going again this year. Let me know if your going to be there! Mom emailed me this podcast. Mom says she remembers seeing people with cameras. I don’t! All I saw was wool, all that wooly, happy, lovely yarn.  Mom is wearing a yellow jacket and I’m wearing a white sweater and blue vest. I can’t wait!  6 more days!!

*Kailey slept so well last night! For 6 hours straight! I’m so happy!! I’m overusing exclamation points!!!