a touch of sunshine

Its been good and cloudy here in Western PA for the past couple of weeks, November can be such a sucky month when it comes to weather. Sometimes we’ve had a bit of rain, others some snow. Overall though the sun hasn’t shown itself very much, and gosh I miss it! Every once in awhile the sun will peak out from behind the cloud and I’m fighting the cats for the sliver of sunshine! Not only am I thankful that our next week forecast is calling for more sunshine (and a bit more warmth) but I finished these fantastically orange socks a few days ago and I’m loving them because they are like a burst of bright orange sunshine!
inverted marigold socks
pattern: Marigold Socks by pamela wynne
size: 54sts
yarn: Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks that Rock – Mediumweight colorway: sunstone (birthday gift from Mike 2 years ago)
needles: US1.5 (2.5mm)
started: June 9, 2008, they sat for awhile while my newly reclaimed sock mojo waned
finished: November 17, 2008
raveled: here
inverted marigold socks
mods: because I just can’t make things easy for myself I knit these top down and reversed the chart. Because, well, the pattern was written for toe up socks and I was knitting them the opposite the way! I thought that by reversing the chart they would match the designers socks. Its way too hard to describe on such little sleep right now. I’m sorry, but basically the decreases are upside down then if I where to knit them toe up. (I think. sooo sleepy!) I used a short row heel, and changed the pattern on the foot.
inverted marigold socks
Its darn cold where I live, and socks that have lacy bits on the foot are chilly when I wear them with my favorite shoes. I knit 7 rows then knit a purl row on the foot. I’m not exactly sure how I like it or not.
However. I do like how these socks turned out! Everyone should have a pair of orange socks, really everyone. They are so cheery, like a touch of warm, bright sunshine!

Stitches was lovely, it’s always nice to catch up with old blogging friends. I didn’t get much time at the market, but was still able to pick up a few lovely’s before I made my mad dash to the car. See most of it on flickr. Overall it was a great trip and it was nice to spend some time with Mike sans kids.

Something blue, in Koigu

I know its only been a little more than a week since my last post. I’ve finished 2 sweaters in the month of September and I’m still not sure how to write about them. I love them both so much! (Both the sweaters and the recipients.) Its also been a wee bit crazy around here.  I thought that I would share a little about the last pair of socks that I finished, for my dear friend Diane.
Diane and I “met” 2 years ago during the August Birthday Swap. I was Diane’s pal. After the swap Diane asked me if I would want to continue swapping pressies for Christmas and Birthdays. I was all over that, what could you love more than presents from another country! Diane has sent me so many wonderful presents, and a pair of socks too! Since I flaked on her last Christmas I thought she deserved an extra special present. So I dug through my sock yarn stash and this blue koigu spoke to me. This was after I finished my February lady sweater and I was missing the rhythm of the lace.

lace detail

This isn’t quite a sock pattern, I would call it more of a recipe.
Yarn- 2 hanks of Koigu (KPPPM)
Needles- set of US 1 (2.25mm) double pointed needles
gauge- pretty sure it was 8.5sts/inch but I can’t read my own writing.
CO 64sts, K2, P2 for 15 rows.
This bit is a bit confusing to explain. I had 16sts on each needle and I wanted the ribbing to flow into the lace pattern so I moved the first stitch on the next needle over (so my stitches where like this P1, K2, P2, K2, P1on each needle). Then I started the lace, oh the lace!
row 1: *p1, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1* repeat to end.
rows 2 & 4: *p1, k7* repeat to end
row 3: *p1, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk* repeat to end.
I knit 18 pattern repeats before starting the heel. Work any heel that you like, I used a short row. (See what I mean by recipe now?)
Now for the instep I didn’t want lace. Personally for myself I like to wear shoes that show off my handknit socks and socks that are lacy aren’t a good choice to wear with those types of shoes especially during January in Western Pennsylvania. I don’t know much about London’s weather, but I hear its rainy and a little cold at times. Frankly, I envisioned the instep to be a little different from the calf and I didn’t want the whole sock to be lacy. Anway the instep, move 1 sts from needle 3 onto needle 2.
On needles 1 and 2: *p1, k7* repeat for a total of 4 times p1.
On needles 3 and 4 knit. Repeat till your about 2.5″ from end. (I like to knit my socks till the sock touches to almost the tip of of my pinky toe) Work your favorite toe.
FO Something blue, in Koigu
Now, if I where to knit these again. During rows 3 & 4 of the lace pattern I would just knit them, it would look a tad different. But it would be so much faster, no counting!  Same thing on the foot, I would knit every other row. Also, a k1, p1 rib probably would have blended into the lace pattern a bit better. I worked a k2,p2 because, well for no better reason than I felt like it and a 1×1 rib felt to fiddly. (Fickle knitter here.)  If you like this recipe and want to make this sock bigger simply add more purl stitches.
I enjoyed knitting these socks for Diane, its been so long since I’ve knit a pair of socks using Koigu and they are so soft and even feel a bit silky. They where sooo hard to mail off, its a good thing that her foot is just a wee bit smaller than my own. Diane, I’m glad to see that your loven your socks and that they fit! To everyone else I hope you enjoy this recipe and if you happen to knit a pair of socks from it, or if you find a mistake let me know. Enjoy!

hello, mojo….

sock mojo that is. For so long my sock mojo was fazzizalled, cuput, nada, zip. It was hibernating, and I’m so thankful it wasn’t dead. Back in December I started these socks for my sister-in-law Kelly. Just a vanilla sock, with a short cuff. Nothing big. She wanted something that would match her work clothes tan and blue. I saw Sheepaints at the Sweetsheep and got a hank in the surf colorway. I wound it up into one big ball and then split it into two smaller ones….
Good sock, bad sock
raveled here
I CO 64sts using a US 1 (2.25mm) and knit 2×2 ribbing for 3.5″ before working the heel and then knit for a bit before working the toe. (I took really good notes, huh?) I knit the sock on the left first, which I will now refer to as “bad sock”. You know sometimes with handpainted yarns you get the funky pooling or flashing. *grumble* All the tan seemed to be on the top and all the blue was on the sole of the bad sock. But the other sock, it was so good and it striped beautifully. And my sock mojo left halfway through the 2nd sock. It languished forever. Before I forced myself to finish it. And I did, sometime in April I think. You know just in time for the nice warm weather… Kelly still was grateful for her socks. She’s so cute. She wants another pair.

My sock mojo came back with abandon in June. I started casting on with abandon. First my inverted Marigold socks
WIP inverted Marigold socks
pattern: Marigold Socks
yarn: socks that rock in medium weight Sunstone colorway
needles: US 1.4 (2.5mm)
notes: I CO 54s, and am working the sock top down. I’ve reversed the chart so my row 1 is row 7 on the chart.
raveled here.

and then for more socks on the go, just in time for GS camp. When I arrived I had only knit about 1/2″ surprisingly there was a fair amount of downtime that I got to knit. Several of the girls watched me for a bit and so did the adults.
WIP socks on the go
pattern, its really more like a recipe. I CO 64sts using US 1 (2.25m) needles knit k2, p2 for 15 rows knit straight until the heel. Either I’ll work a slip stitch heel or a short row. Then knit until I’ve reached about halfway to my pinky toe, then work a standard toe until 16sts remain and graft shut.
yarn: yarntini variegated sock in cosmopolitan that Mike got me from yarn4socks
notes: this sock lives in the car, so it doesn’t see much action.
raveled here.

Even though I have 3 sock WIPs right now I want to cast on for a cowl. But I must finish my secret knitting. Mike and I will be in the car for a while tomorrow as we travel down to Richmond, VA (again.) Hopefully then I can caston for a new project finish my secret knitting…


….its a good thing when you have a daughter who’s feet are smaller than your Apres sock pal’s feet and your own. Even though its a good thing now, I have a feeling it might not be a good thing in a few years when she can fit into my clothes… but then again I will be able to fit into hers if she can fit into mine, right? Anyway…

Scrolling pink socks
I started these socks way back, December 18 to be exact. After finishing one leg I put the sock on hold to finish my sock pal socks. I picked them back up shortly after that and finished them on
February 13.
Scrolling pink socks
The stitch pattern is Scrolls from More sensational knitted socks. I casted on 64sts and knit 4 pattern repeats before turning the short row heel. I used my regular standard toe. I love that toe. I have no idea what its real name is, its the same on on my fit well socks pattern. Anyway, the scrolls pattern. Not so stretchy, really. It doesn’t stretch. At all. Barely a smidgen. Just so you know.
Scrolling pink socks
I used Shibuiknits fingering in blossom which I had purchased from Simply socks yarn Co. (wonderful service, quick shipping too.) Its a beautiful soft pink that is perfect for Corra. (Lucky duck.) I think that I used a little more than one hank, since there is a bunch left over from both hanks. This yarn has a beautiful hand, its soft and buttery. Beautiful yarn, and the stripes don’t show up in real life. If you saw the socks in person you wouldn’t even see them. I did come across one little unspun sluggy part. But damn. These are beautiful socks. That Corra, she’s one lucky duck.

well now…

…that was a completely unintentional blog break! February was, well a bitch. And I’m glad its over. There where good parts. The kids and I had a somewhat home-made Valentines day. The kids made Valentines for their teachers
Pop! Pop! Pop-u-lar Valentines!
(directions and templates here)

and for their classmates (click on each picture for the details)
Allysa's valentine's
Bryce's colorful Valentine's
Corra's Valentines
I really enjoyed helping the kids with their home-made Valentines. February also with it bought GS cookies. Oyi. Lets just say the cookies didn’t come in on time. Gah. And on the same day, same time. Bryce had his BS ceremony.
Bryce coloring
the only photo I have of him with out any other kids around, and he looks o-so-thrilled.

There has been lots of knitting around these parts, there are at least 2 FO’s that need their photo’s taken. But I finished and gifted my Dad’s socks *cough*inJanuary*cough* click on the photo for more info
Cable twist socks for Dad
I also knit a hat for my hairdresser/babysitter, also click on the picture for more info.
sorry, I do need to go to bed soon. The kids have certainly been keeping me super busy. Allysa has been sick off and on since January. She keeps wheezing. She gets sick, wheezes, gets better and it comes freaking back in a week or two. She woke up wheezing very badly last night. I want to share this awesome website with ya’ll. To make a long story short we went to the Dr today. Allysa had a chest x-ray, some blood work (she is an amazing little girl) and we are now proud owners of a breathing machine. *sigh* The Dr. said she has a touch of asthma. (WTF is a touch of asthma? gr!) And she is now getting a breathing treatment 4 times a day plus a dose of steroids. Fun-tastic times. I hope this works, poor little girl. This has also been keeping me busy:

*grin* make sure your volume isn’t too loud.  Night!

Thursday’s aren’t that bad either…

Thursday’s aren’t that bad either… because I finished my traveling mini van socks! I started these socks back in September after I finished the last pair of mini-van socks.
White rainbow socks
I used knitpicks 6″ nickel plated US1 (2.25mm) dpns, my weapons of choice. Casted on 64sts, knit 15 rows of K2, P2. Then I knit for 5ish inches before knitting a slip stitch heel. I looove this heel, it has to be of my favorite. Ok, I’ve tried what 4 heels? Slip stitch, garter, garter with a purl stitch in it and 2 different short row heels (1 short row heel pattern that I also looove!) So I guess I have 2 favorites, the slip stitch and a certain short row heel. The heels on these socks make me ridiculously happy
White rainbow socks
I just love how they striped out! Don’t they make you happy too? Maybe the yarn has something to do with it. Its Susie’s perchance to knit merino sock yarn in the white rainbow colorway. I saw this on her blog one day for sale and jumped all over it.
White rainbow socks
I would have finished these on Wednesday but I had premature toe formulation. I started the toe like 2-4 rows too soon on the first sock and had to rip it out. I’m very happy that I did. I love these socks! They are incredible comfy, after I had worn them all day… and slept in them… the yarn fuzzed a bit, but nothing more than normal.
White rainbow socks
*sigh* so happy!
My Apres sock pal received her socks, also on Thursday. I knit these socks for Tiff of pink knitting adventures. Click on the pick for more info
Chickabiddy ala Monkey socks

I’m sorry, I’m just ready for bed! I’ve been super tired lately, and not really sure why. Night all! I’m going to go catch up on my zzz

Sunday’s are nice, but Monday’s can be better

there is a fantastic fiber portion of this post near the end

Yesterday turned out to be a pretty good day. Started off like any other Monday that I run errands, I dropped A, B & C off at their schools, K at the sitters (She only goes 6 times a month. When B has boy scouts, C has girl scouts and when A has head start) I ran half my errands and went to pick up Allysa, while picking up A got a phone call from the school that B was sick and wanted to come home (yeah, he was soooo sick. *voice dripping with sarcasm*) . Picked him up, got the call back from my GS neighborhood leader, had to call the girl that had the cookie stuff for my troop. Who wasn’t able to hand out the cookie materials to the girls in time, was able to pick up all the cookie stuff and ended the great cookie debacle of 2008. (Fund-raising isn’t fun unless there is drama.) Harassed the mail-man cause I knew he had packages for me, who in turned picked on me because my van looked like I had been out mud bogging (would had been more fun then tracking down the cookie stuff.) Lucky me! He had already delivered them while I was out! I received my Apres sock pal socks (I don’t think I blogged about this at all) socks, tea and chocolate!

Thank you so much Katy! Katy used her own hand-dyed sock yarn for my socks, and I’m loven the colors. These socks have to be the softest pair I own. Once I opened up the package I had to put these on,

socks from my Apres sock pal

I didn’t take them off till this morning. So comfy! The caramel chocolate didn’t last for very long… and the milk chocolate… um… well I’m eating it now! And mmm, the tea is yummy too. Thanks again Katy! I’m still waiting to hear if my pal received her socks, I’m dying with anticipation! It was a good thing my pal’s feet are bigger than mine. I wanted to keep her socks for myself.

There was another package for me too! This had to be one of the best Mondays ever. I won one of Kelly contest’s and she asked me if I wanted sock yarn (I can’t quite remember, I just knew I wanted…) or handspun. I jumped all over the handspun. I want the handspun. And ohmyGAWD!
targee DK handspun from the Gabby knitter greens-n-roses

I want to use this as a pillow, I want to sleep with this yarn. (Why does that sound so very wrong?)I love this handspun, the colors are amazing. I thought the yarn looked perfect with the apples I bought today. Kelly also sent me some yummy chocolates (how did you know I polished off a bag of those last week and wished I had bought another?). Kelly sent me 516 yards, and I’m completely unsure what to do with it! A shawl, a short scarf and hat? Any ideas?
That is why yesterday, Monday, had to be the best Monday ever.
hmmmm.. its been a while since I’ve had a contest… I’m going to have to think up a good one….

Fit well Socks

Now, I’ve asked my Mom for my Dad’s foot measurements three times in the past year. I think she’ll scream if I ask her for them again. I have written them down before and put them in a “safe place” and promptly lost them. Darn house elves! Hopefully this is a “safe place” to save my pattern.
Dad's fit well socks

Dad’s fit well socks sized to fit a foot with a 8.5″ foot circumference. The cuff is 10″ long. I have enough yarn left over to have knit the cuff 1″ longer. Please let me know if I’ve made a mistake re-writing my pattern, or if there is something you don’t understand.


1 hank of Dream in color smooshy

3.00mm (US 2.5) double pointed needles (I used knitpicks. Be sure to check the mm size. As they have several US 2 sizes)

darning needle

gauge- 7sts/inch

Continue reading

again with the busy

yes, again with the busy! This week the kids had their first day of school (don’t worry there is FO picture at the end of this post!)

First day of school 2007

Corra and Bryce had their first day of school. Allysa can’t wait to go! Corra’s in third grade this year, and Bryce is in first. My, time is flying right by! While the older kid’s where in school Allysa and I baked cookies for them.

little baker

We used Sheri’s cookie recipe from this post. I love Sheri’s tradition of making cookies for her kids on the first day of school. It’s something I plan on doing. Thank’s Sheri for inspiring me! The recipe is a good one, mmmmm cookies!


Can you see that look in Bryce’s eyes? Please Mom, just one more cookie? I used chocolate chips, white chocolate chips and mini m&m’s since I didn’t have enough chocolate chips. Now, for the fiber (hehehe, no pun intended. Now, Mike. That’s a pun!)

I finished my Dad’s birthday socks

Daddy's finished socks

I’ll share the un-pattern with you when I get  back home to Pennsylvania. We’re up visiting my parents again, and I left my notes at home. Dope! I’m feeling so good right now though, Dad’s birthday is in October and his socks are done early *big grin*. I started falling leaves shawl from Valley yarn’s Monday? I think it was Monday when I started it..

Falling Leaves shawl

I’m using raw silk from Autumn House farm in the Hattie’s Zinnia’s colorway. Its really not as red as the picture is showing. I casted on with a size 8 needle and have been knitting with a size 7. I hope to have in done in time for Rhinebeck.

Mike and my cousin Jason, took the kids to the fish hatchery to go fishing. Kailey and I are going to enjoy some knitting time peace and quiet. While it lasts that is!

PS thank you all for your wonderful Birthday wishes!!! You all really have made my week : )

Still here!

wow. Its been busy here and I haven’t posted in almost 2 weeks! I’ve been buried under a few things, but luckily I’ve made my way out.  I had my niece for a few days last week, which I enjoyed. It was nice having a chauffeur!
My chauffeur..

We brought her back home last Thursday, just in time for lobster that her Mom brought home. mmmmm.. it was good. I’m a horrible blogger because in my haste to get a warm lobster (er two *very* yummy lobsters) the camera stayed in the bag. The kids and I have been staying with my parents visiting, we completed their school shopping

School shoping

Got clothes and shoes for 3 kids, and a few cute little outfits for Kailey. (I couldn’t resist!) All for around $500. I love me a good sale 🙂  We also took the kids to build a bear, and later we enjoyed lunch at Friendly’s


I finished my Johnny come lately socks, which I can’t remember if I even blogged about them
Johnny-come-lately socks

(more pictures here)

Pattern: jaywalkers by Grumperinia Published in Magknits

Yarn: Fishy wishy in a dishy by See Jayne knits superwash merino

Needles: US 1 (2.75mm) dpns

Notes: I’m in love with this yarn! I love the bright contrasting colors and I’m hoping that they don’t fade. The fabric is wonderful. And I love how the yarn striped.

I started my Dad’s Birthday socks, and I was a good girl and swatched for the socks.


I’m using the smooshy sock yarn I bought a few weeks ago and size 3.00mm. I’ve finished one sock and am on the heel of the second one. We’re going home to Pennsylvania on Sunday. And the kids start school on Tuesday the 28th.  Busy, busy, busy! Must be off. There’s cake to eat, today’s my Bday!