Itty Bitty Teeny Socks

Itty Bitty Teeny Socks, a pattern

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· Small bit of sock yarn. Around 7 yards per sock.

· 3 size 000 double pointed needles

· 2 earring hooks – optional

Cast on 16 stitches arrange as follows:

needle 1- 5 stitches

needle 2- 5 stitches

needle 3- 6 stitches

Knit 12 rows

With needle 1 start knitting heel flap as follows:

Row 1: slip 1st stitch knit 4, turn

Row 2: slip 1st stitch purl 4, turn

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 once more. (total of 4 rows worked)

Knit across heel stitches, pick up and knit 4 stitches.

Knit across instep stitches (needles 2 and 3), pick up and knit 4 stitches

Knit across the heel. Row now starts in the middle of the heel.

Decrease round:

Knit to last three stitches on needle 2 SSK, K1.

Knit across instep, K1, K2tog.

Knit one round.

Knit decrease round every other row 3 more times (total of 8 rows worked, 8 stitches decreased)

Knit 10 more rounds.

Toe decreases:

round 1:

Needle 1: knit 2, SSK, K1

Needle 2: K1, K2tog, knit 2

Needle 3: knit 3, SSK, K1

round 2:

Needle 1: K1, K2tog, knit 2

Needle 2: knit 4

Needle 3: knit 5

round 3:

Needle 1: knit 3, SSK, K1

Needle 2: K1, K2tog, K1

Needle 3: K1, SSK, knit 3

round 4:

Needle 1: knit 1, SSK, knit 3

Needle 2: knit 2

Needle 3: knit 4

round 5:

Needle 1: knit 2, SSK, K1

Needle 2: knit 2

Needle 3: K1 SSK, K1, K2tog.

Knit one round, Graft stitches or draw stitches together using a tapestry needle. Weave in ends.

Since the sock is so small you can not turn it inside out, I pulled the yarn from the toe up to the cuff and wove it in there. I also wove the yarn from the long tail cast on into to stitches and left the rest to dangle on one pair, the other I used that yarn to attach to earring hooks.

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In this pattern you can use any decrease that works for you. On my second pair of teeny socks I used the s1, psso decrease. Have fun with this, if you want smaller socks cast on less stitches, bigger socks cast on more. Don’t worry about making a mistake, its just yarn. You can rip it out and try again, hopefully learning something in the process. If you want to print this pattern, copy and paste it into Word or email me and I’ll send it to you!

If you find anything wrong with my pattern, please let me know! This is the first pattern of mine I’ve wrote down, so this is a bit new to me! Also if you make a pair of teeny tiny socks, give me a holler! I’d love to see them!

Amanda Cathleen

Mistress_stash_enhancer (at) yahoo (dot) com

4 responses

  1. I would love to have your pattern. for the earringsock. Have been making socks, have lots of little balls. Good place to use them Thanks Marge

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