Something blue, in Koigu a sock recipe

I know its only been a little more than a week since my last post. I’ve finished 2 sweaters in the month of September and I’m still not sure how to write about them. I love them both so much! (Both the sweaters and the recipients.) Its also been a wee bit crazy around here.  I thought that I would share a little about the last pair of socks that I finished, for my dear friend Diane.
Diane and I “met” 2 years ago during the August Birthday Swap. I was Diane’s pal. After the swap Diane asked me if I would want to continue swapping pressies for Christmas and Birthdays. I was all over that, what could you love more than presents from another country! Diane has sent me so many wonderful presents, and a pair of socks too! Since I flaked on her last Christmas I thought she deserved an extra special present. So I dug through my sock yarn stash and this blue koigu spoke to me. This was after I finished my February lady sweater and I was missing the rhythm of the lace.

lace detail

This isn’t quite a sock pattern, I would call it more of a recipe.
Yarn- 2 hanks of Koigu (KPPPM)
Needles- set of US 1 (2.25mm) double pointed needles
gauge- pretty sure it was 8.5sts/inch but I can’t read my own writing.
CO 64sts, K2, P2 for 15 rows.
This bit is a bit confusing to explain. I had 16sts on each needle and I wanted the ribbing to flow into the lace pattern so I moved the first stitch on the next needle over (so my stitches where like this P1, K2, P2, K2, P1on each needle). Then I started the lace, oh the lace!
row 1: *p1, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1* repeat to end.
rows 2 & 4: *p1, k7* repeat to end
row 3: *p1, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk* repeat to end.
I knit 18 pattern repeats before starting the heel. Work any heel that you like, I used a short row. (See what I mean by recipe now?)
Now for the instep I didn’t want lace. Personally for myself I like to wear shoes that show off my handknit socks and socks that are lacy aren’t a good choice to wear with those types of shoes especially during January in Western Pennsylvania. I don’t know much about London’s weather, but I hear its rainy and a little cold at times. Frankly, I envisioned the instep to be a little different from the calf and I didn’t want the whole sock to be lacy. Anway the instep, move 1 sts from needle 3 onto needle 2.
On needles 1 and 2: *p1, k7* repeat for a total of 4 times p1.
On needles 3 and 4 knit. Repeat till your about 2.5″ from end. (I like to knit my socks till the sock touches to almost the tip of of my pinky toe) Work your favorite toe.
FO Something blue, in Koigu
Now, if I where to knit these again. During rows 3 & 4 of the lace pattern I would just knit them, it would look a tad different. But it would be so much faster, no counting!  Same thing on the foot, I would knit every other row. Also, a k1, p1 rib probably would have blended into the lace pattern a bit better. I worked a k2,p2 because, well for no better reason than I felt like it and a 1×1 rib felt to fiddly. (Fickle knitter here.)  If you like this recipe and want to make this sock bigger simply add more purl stitches.
I enjoyed knitting these socks for Diane, its been so long since I’ve knit a pair of socks using Koigu and they are so soft and even feel a bit silky. They where sooo hard to mail off, its a good thing that her foot is just a wee bit smaller than my own. Diane, I’m glad to see that your loven your socks and that they fit! To everyone else I hope you enjoy this recipe and if you happen to knit a pair of socks from it, or if you find a mistake let me know. Enjoy!

A PDF file of this recipe is now available for download.  Click here to download the PDF (file will automatically start downloading when you click on the link).

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