l o v e

I realized earlier this week, while driving my kids to school non the less (don’t worry I am getting to something really good, not just for me but maybe for you too), that I have been knitting for 6 years. (I think, it might be 5 but I’m really not sure.) I can’t believe that its been 6 years already. S I X years. My love for knitting is so much stronger now than it was back then. *So* much stronger. And I think I have all of you and blogging to thank for that. Really, I think that if it wasn’t for blogging my triumph’s and my well, disasters (oh that horrible sweater.) Reading about other people’s projects, yarn purchases and such I wouldn’t be where I’m at right now. I really feel like I’m getting this whole knitting thing.
Oh! And another thing that I recently realized too is that I’ve been blogging for 3 years. It all started on a crappy AOL blog that is now lost in the interwebs, then I moved to blogspirit, before I landed here at wordpress (I ❤ you wordpress. I don’ think I’ll move again!) And that got me thinking, its been a really loooong time since I’ve had a contest. I think the last one was when we picked Kailey’s name over 2 years ago. I kept thinking oh, when my blogoversary comes around I’ll have a contest, then September would roll on by and I would forget and remember in June. oh, when my knitting-versary would be a good time for a contest, well that was a month or more ago…. I was going to have a contest pool for when we would take down that damn tree. (Which has thankfully been down since the last day in Jan. *twitch* After that year that it stayed up for well the whole year I can’t seem to take it for very long) but unfortunately the pool sounded like a bit to much work right now. Maybe next year. Onto my good thing, ts time for a contest here at chez Mistress Stash Enhancer, You all make me feel so good about my kniting and fibery stuff that you deserve something for sticking around for all these years dealing with my run on sentences and horrible grammar. I’ve made so many good friends though this blog and I’m going to go all old school on ya’ll! Any comments left of this post or later posts by midnight on the 24 of February will be entered to win a nice fibery prize. (Sounds mysterious doesn’t it? Don’t worry I’m not going to send you something that I wouldn’t want to get myself.)

Now I’m all excited! I still have to share all the good stuffs I made for the kids for V-day.
V-day surprise
They wanted stupid sock creatures so badly for Christmas, but there was no time to make them. I thought they would be a super sweet Valentine’s present. I have to say I’m quite addicted to making them. I heard of a store near me that has wild toe socks. I’m way too excited over that to even begin to explain. Mike was able to come home for Saturday night, stayed through Sunday and left early Monday morning. It was the best Valentine’s present ever just having him home.
I need to send out some thrummed mitten love too since these have been done for awhile, thrumms for Corra
FO: thrummmmmm's for Corra

FO: thrummmmmm's for Corra FO: thrummmmmm's for Corra
My own pattern, I wanted to do a two color corrugated rib cause I think they are really cool. This was my first time knitting one, and I love how the green just pops!  Way more info on my rav project page here, if your not on raverly but want the info please feel free to drop me a line.
and thrums for me:
FO: backyard thrummmmmm's FO: backyard thrummmmmm's
These mittens are a bit of the Yarn Harlot’s, with a dose of Adrian’s thrumming tutorial. The roving is a gift from Cayli, (Thanks so much Cayli!) she sent it to me a few years ago when I first learned how to spindle spin. There is more info on my rav project page. What these mittens lack in dexterity they certainly make up for it in warmth! My hands are nice and toasty while shoveling the driveway and cleaning of the car. Two big fat thumbs up!

Can you believe that 6 years ago, I was knitting oodles and oodles of fun fur scarves? I can’t either, and I’m so happy that I found the good stuff. My how times flies when your having fun!

44 responses

  1. Six years knitting and three years blogging, yeah for you!!!
    And yeah for warm mittens. I keep saying I am going to make some for myself, never happens.

  2. I have so enjoyed your blog over the time I have been reading it. I can’t even remember how I found you, but am happy I did. Doesn’t the time go fast? I think I am pushing 6 years of knitting too. Bloggin has been either two or three years, but it’s been so much fun. I have documented my knitting that otherwise would be unnoticed. My family can check on my progress and that’s been fun showing them what I have done. I hope you continue with the bad grammer and run on sentences. You can add them to mine. lol!

  3. Wow six years already! That’s awesome, congratulations! So Fibery Goodness, that means you are giving away dryer lint?
    I ❤ your thrummed mittens. Glad you are here and glad to have met you.

  4. Love the mittens! I’ve loved reading your blog and it was especially cool to meet you and your mom at Sheep and Wool a few years ago. Your blog helps me stay connected. Three years is fantastic unfortunately mine only lasted a year due to competing work…maybe now that I’m home more with Lily I’ll start it up again. Thanks for inspiring me with your great projects!

  5. Congratulations on six years of glorious knitting, and blogging, too!

    I’ve posted about your contest on WiKnit, my knitting contest blog. Hopefully some more people will drop by to congratulate you as well!

  6. Congratulations on your blogiversary. I may have knitted a few fun fur scarves, along with many boa yarn scarves with beaded ends in the early 2000’s. It was “in” then!

  7. What beautiful beautiful mittens – I too love how the green pops! – And the sock creatures are just lovely too! I keep seeing them around and thinking how cute they would be to make – thanks for the great picture!

  8. Wow – 3 years of blogging! Amazing to me. I’ve knit all my life, but can’t manage blogging at all – I can barely manage posting, I’m mostly a lurker. I love to see all the projects.

    I love the mittens, by the way. And I love surprises in case I win.

  9. Congratulations on all of your anniversaries.
    I only hope I can have as many accomplishments. While the Knitting accomplishment is very very likely the blogging accomplishment will probably never happen. By the way I just love the green mittens.

  10. Congrats on 6 years knitting and three blogging. It’s great to have all that experience out there on the net to draw on, yours and others. Thanks for sharing.

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