
well a few days later… Hey I maybe on time in real life or just a bit early but my blog? Yeah not so much. I love Valentine’s day.   Some of my favorite things this year:

decorating with pink, red and white,
Valentine's chandeler
Inspiration from here. Kailey and I made these together.

baking cookies or mini cupcakes
mini Valentine cupcakes
(I could stare at these all day since they are so pretty!)

just to name a few things. But my all time favorite part coming up with the cheesy sayings to put with the Valentines.

handmade Valentine's
1. Have a hand-tastic Valentine’s day!, 2. Valentine, you mold my heart ❤, 3. Valentine, you blow me away!, 4. ribbon rose

Sometimes though the cheesy saying comes before the idea, or I get inspired by someone or something.
1. Was our gift to the kids teachers, school nurse and secretaries. Allysa came up with the saying. Inspired by Family Fun.
2.  A few years ago we made homemade playdough hearts for Allysa’s class exchange. This year I had a leftover mini playdoughs and had to buy another pack to have enough, but its clear that they are playdough and not food.  A’s in 1st grade and one girl thought the Christmas tree shaped crayons where something to eat.  Honestly. We made little cards that say “Valentine, you mold my heart” get it? Hehe
3. I was blog surfing and read that one mom keeps mini bubbles in her purse for those moments that the kids cant settle in the grocery store and the cashier seems to be moving incredibly slow. I don’t know  what made my mind think “Valentine, you blow me away!” *snicker* and that’s how B’s Valentine’s came about.
4. Corra’s in middle school now and they don’t have a class exchange like they do in grade school, (instead I sent her to school with a bag of mini candy bars). She made this ribbon rose by herself, from start to finish. She said she saw some ribbon roses out while she was shopping with her step mom and thought “I can make that!” (Which totally makes me happy!) She used a stick for a stem and is very happy with how it turned out. (me too!)

My favorite thing? When Corra said to me “I love that we make our own Valentines, I don’t like the ones that you get at the store where all you do is stick a sticker on it and say your done. These are so much more special.” That tween can be so insightful sometimes. *sigh*

PS. Damned baby blanket is done. Ok almost done, all the ends are woven in but they need to be tacked down. I need to get cracking on it since we are going up there next week.
PPS. You can thank me for this glorious Spring weather that’s been blessing the East coast. I started Aidez last week and nothing guarantees an early Spring like starting a bulky sweater now does it?
PPPS GS cookies come in this Sat and you can bet that’s going to take up the bulk of my week. B’s pine car (or is it pine wood? I always get it mixed up) derby is this Sat too.
PPPPS Allysa’s been home sick today and yesterday with a stomach bug, she seems much much better today but hopefully this won’t go through the house since tomorrow is so ridiculously crazy.